Customer Retention

Customer Retention Customer retention The first stage in any strategy should be to improve customer retention and growth – this is because existing customers provide the greatest return on investment because they are: 5xas likely to repurchase 4xas likely to refer...

Personal Banking

Personal Banking Improving profits in personal banking and finance Standing out from the crowd in personal finance is tough – customers see little differentiation between one product and another other than an introductory offer and rates and the only visible...

Commercial Insurance

Commercial Insurance Improving profits in commercial insurance services Creating differentiation insurance isn’t easy – we all need bank accounts, merchant services and finance but they are invisible products where customers see little tangible benefit and the...

Business customer retention

Business customer retention Want to engage and motivate your sales partners and business customers ? A business customer loyalty programme can help you achieve 25-95% growth in profit The potential growth of your business is in your customer relationships. If you fail...


Subscriptions How to grow by turning customers into loyal members Imagine if you could go to bed knowing that when you wake up and additional £x million would have been deposited in your account AND knowing that would happen every day. That up-sales and cross sales...